Planning + Urbanism

City wild. Traditionally, cities were laid out according to their own internal logics–land ownership, commerce, industrial needs, infrastructural networks–while natural resources were squeezed, buried or obliterated. In doing so, vital environmental functions were lost, climate was negatively impacted, habitat lost, health and well-being of people decimated.  But no more. Cities and urban districts can be conceived in concert with environmental systems and dynamics–so that they function better, and create healthier places and people. They can help eradicate mistakes of the past by imagining new, inclusive and equitable futures that better serve all citizens–no matter race, ethnicity, orientation, income, or background–as well as all creatures on the earth. By addressing head on questions of with whom and for whom and for what we design, we create urban plans and development frameworks that forge new possibilities for environmental kinship and cultural vitality.